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Apple releases iOS 12.0.1 to fix XS charging issue
7:32pm, 8th October, 2018

Apple releases iOS 12.0.1 to fix XS charging issue

Apple has released iOS 12.0.1, which fixes one of the issues users had reported. It fixes the problem where connecting the charger cable to the iPhone XS would occasionally not start the charging until the display was turned on. iOS 12.1 change log A...
SulAmérica compra Prodent por R$ 145,7 milhões
4:43pm, 8th October, 2018

SulAmérica compra Prodent por R$ 145,7 milhões

A operadora de planos de saúde SulAmérica anunciou nesta segunda-feira (8) que assinou contrato para comprar 100% da empresa de assistência odontológica Prodent, pelo preço base de R$ 145,7 milhões. (10/08/2018 - 17h35)